Endurance Training

Long distance competition or endurance training take months of practice for a horse as well as the rider. For such long races, the horse along with the rider needs to boost and build stamina to compete in such a hard sport. There are number of ways to condition horses, but every good method has one similarity and which is a slow but steady beginning and later gradually increasing the speed for distance riding lessons, as pushing it hard increases the risk of getting the horse injured.

We use some sophisticated endurance training techniques. First we build a good foundation of fitness of the horse. Our goal is to build long distance stamina slowly. We prepare the horse physically and psychologically by small exercises first then to more extensive exercises gradually. It is important to build up muscle by a slow and steady process by which it conditions the tendons and legs, to make the horse strong, calm and obedient.

We keep track the horses fitness on daily basis, monitor the improvements over time. Riding or training sessions held under the supervision of the veterinarian. We train your horse to compete on any level from short to long distance races. Al Jumooh endurance training sessions are designed and carried out by professional riders and coaches, which helps in bringing out the best of the rider and his horse.

Physical health and calmness of the horse are important during long distance races. We at Al Jumooh prepare horses to bear stress and be in control. Our expert support and proper care can lead the horse to be strong and conditioned to be an elegant creature.