Dubai Crown Prince Pony Cup
Every year Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Festival comes up with lots of happiness and cherishes. This year the splendorous event happened on 17thMrach, 2017, and like always the endurance season was in its full swing. The highlight of this festival was the “Dubai Crown Prince Endurance cup”, in which horses and riders from all over Dubai took part in. This event is also be acknowledged with the name of “Dubai Crown Prince Pony Cup”. Different celebrities also showed up for this event, like His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who is the Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and also the monarch of Dubai. Moreover, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, who is the Crown Prince of Dubai and also Chairman of the Executive Council of the Endurance Festival.
Al-jumooh’s horses, who are well-known for their uniqueness and epitomeof beauty, participated in this race. Other than Al-jumooh, horses from all over Dubai took part in this eve that was held in Dubai International Endurance City. The race started in the peak hours and after the whole twist and turns of the race, al jumooh’s horses and riders were among the winners. However,it was an achievement, whose credits directly goes to the entire team of Al-jumooh. Although it wasn’t a piece of cake for the riders but obviously not a difficult one, our riders through their qualified skills manage to be in those who aced this race.
Both of our little champs, Ahmad Saaed Ahmad Khalifa Bin humaidanAlfalasi and Abdulla Khamis Mohammad Bin RafiaAlfalasi, are no doubt the experts who sailed through it and are declared as winners. As Al-jumooh says “learn to ride”, these little champions prove this with their victory, that Al-jumooh has one of the best skilful riders that not only help people to learn about how to ride but also help them to excel it.
Over all the whole event was a wonderful experience for the whole team of Al-jumoohand such events help to depict Al-jumooh’s excellence in horse riding and acing their targets with the best of their expertise.